Sitemap - 2022 - Lamprey/Hippopotamus

Why not infinite Contagion?


Why do schizophrenics write so much?

"Pegasius was a fucking bishop!"

Why Rome had to fall

The mystery of Internet music and art

Three disadvantages of bicameralism

Ask not whether something is genetic or environmental

"Lizard people"

What I eat is the most trollish website ever

Best documentary about Buddhism

Best documentary about the 2008 financial crisis

Things people don't notice about "The Giver"

Why does Russian physical therapy work?

Describe the meaning of this song

Markan priority?

The Mystery of American power

Blue flag countries


Lucky numbers

Regress studies

49 things to do as a 21st century bicam

Triumph of the kudzu

Seven university fields you should trust

Why I converted to the Catholic religion

If Wikipedia is in an inadequate equilibrium, which sources should you trust?

John Searle

Diet Coke causes weight loss

Schizophrenia is not a mental illness

The NSA guide to physical therapy

Guess who's back

Fish oil -do not use

The worst exercise for posture

Writing directions

Postural explanation for Christianity

Theory of Jews and Japanese

Understanding transgenderism/global fertility collapse/rising crime/rise of Trump

The last bicam president

Addendum to the previous post

Why men have worse handwriting

Japan and Spain

"Breathe willingly"=" breathe less"

The underused prostate

Never do thoracic extension exercises

Prime Directive #4

The true reasons for growing youthful appearance in the population and declining sperm counts

"Anterior pelvic tilt"="groin forward"

Forward shoulder posture is a lie

Richard Hanania is right about academia

A question to the critics of Boldmug

No regrets

Arguments from hypocricy

Was the USSR a superpower?

What went wrong with Fed policy in 2021-2

Trump's wall

So draining

Why Donald Trump is primarily responsible for the Ukrainian war

Der Boomer

America is the most secretive country in the world

Mental illness v. performance art

The road to victory

Not "the end of the end of history"

No, a sanctioned Russia is not a large North Korea

百年人生, 瞬间光华


MMT is the future of economics

The case for Russia invading Ukraine

Shoot the truckers

A note on romanization of the East Asian languages

The "end of history" might be real in some cases

Vaccines still work

The Great Slog

Right-wing Twitter v. reality re: Omicron

On criticizing affirmative action

Best accounts on Twitter